13 Weeks to:

Freedom from Alcohol and a happier, healthier you.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You wake up in the morning and tell yourself you’re not going to drink again (or until the weekend)...

  • You know you want to feel your best, have a sharp mind, crush at work, and juggle all the things with ease...

  • But amid the chaos of the day, you find yourself fantasizing about popping open your favorite red and before you know it you're 1/2 way through the bottle wondering why you can accomplish so much in your life, and this still is out of your control.

  • You’re ready to finally stop this cycle and feel in control of your habits, your choices, and your LIFE.

Are you ready to make alcohol "no longer an issue" and free up your time + energy to focus on the things that REALLY matter to you?

Waking up in the morning and having a clear mind and feeling well rested.

Hitting the gym or getting in some movement before you head out to work.

You’re full of energy and when you look in the mirror you see clear eyes, a few less pounds and bright skin.

You smile because your relationship with your partner has been elevated lately, you’re closer: physically and emotionally.

Getting the kids out the door and yourself off to work seems effortless.


You’re not even worried about the number of emails in your inbox or the meetings that will go on and on. Because you are efficient, you are motivated, YOU are in control.

Relaxed Woman

You’re the most relaxed woman in the room. You have the confidence to handle everything that comes your way. 

You are now living on YOUR terms, you’re in the driver’s seat of your life. 

You call the shots, and if it doesn’t serve you, you pass on it. 

You say no with the truth behind it.

Sobriety Is Your Edge. It’s your secret weapon to success.

Here’s the deal…

Sexy, Sober

If you’ve found your way here, chances are you are being called to make a big shift in your life and you also have a sense that removing alcohol might be the first step.

Chances ALSO are you’ve tried this before.

The reason so many ambitious women stay stuck in the same cycle with alcohol is because we try to “white knuckle” our way through a 7-day stretch or commit to dry January only to fall back into our old habits again and again.

But Here’s The Good News

The key to long-term sobriety is not about just trying to “stop drinking.”

It’s about taking back control of your physiology, understanding how to rewire your psychology, and creating connections, relationships, and a LIFE that you no longer need to decompress from at the end of the day.

When you approach sobriety using my unique method you don’t have to just “try not to drink.”

You create a new level of being, relating, and enjoying life that opens you up to an entirely new YOU -

The you that:

1) Gets the raise

2) Elevates to a new standard

3) Is present for the one she loves

4) Reignites the spark in her relationships

5) Feels amazing in her body

6) Is the one people respect, admire, and emulate

 12 Weeks to Freedom from Alcohol and a Happier, Healthier you.

Introducing: Sobriety IS Your Edge

How it Works:

SOBRIETY IS YOUR EDGE is an online Coaching Program.

You start your journey with a 75 minute One on One with Lindsay. We build out your vision of your future self by getting clear on your goals and all the outcomes you are wanting to achieve. Together, we’ll customize your plan so you know where to focus your energy first.

We meet LIVE on Google Meet for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 12pm est where you will get coaching from me & support from each other. Each week there is Q&A on the modules in the member site and sometimes we have special guest speakers!

You also get access to:

Our Online Community for support and accountability between calls (Not Facebook! our community is on Telegram and it is abundant with support and accountability)

20 Minute Spark Call: You get (1) 20 minute Check In call with Lindsay. If you’re feeling a little wobbly, this can help keep you motivated, heard and understood.

Extensive Bonus Materials to support you along the way, teaching you EXACTLY what to do to craft your alcohol free life.

Research has found that doing this work in groups, amplifies your success. Even if you haven’t spoken about this with others, you’ll find commonalities and community in this safe space with like-minded women.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

  • You'll get clear on your goals, focus on what you want to receive during our time together, uncover any obstacles, and map out a plan to create a life that will have you buzzing (without the alcohol).

  • Learn the biochemistry of alcohol addiction - why you crave it and why it's hard to have "just one." You'll learn simple tools to reduce cravings and master your mindset so that you can feel, look, and do your best.

  • Learn about why moderating alcohol is SO hard and how to build your life around none is better than one (and why you'll actually LOVE the feeling of sobriety more than moderate drinking).

  • You’ll learn how to use the information you gain in a slip up to fuel your success and become even more resilient. Celebrating all knowledge as power to become stronger and more resilient. This work will deepen your commitment towards your goals and ensure your success in the program and for life.

  • Learn why "mastering your emotions" is key to long-term success. Learn simple proven tools to acknowledge your emotions, appreciate them, and how you can move through even the most stressful day without needing to "decompress" with a drink.

  • Create a plan beyond the 90 days and feel confident using what you have learned to feel healthy, well rested and always sitting in the driver’s seat of your life. You’ve built friendships here, with women who are on the same road as you, we’ll continue to nurture that bond for continued success.




You’ll also get these self-paced modules.

Designed to watch when they fit into your personal timeline.


Powerful prompts to start your day and create the mindset needed for long-term success.


Learn how to align new habits into a new schedule. “What exactly do people who don’t drink do at night?” and other burning questions answered.


How has your sobriety tool kit evolved? What will stay, what will go? In this training we will continue to refine your sobriety toolkit so that staying alcohol-free feels easy and inevitable for you.


Extensive List of Quit Lit books to fill your nightstand or Kindle with.


Learn how to turn yourself into someone who not only loves mornings, but you CRAVE them.


My favorite collection of self-care practices that you can do anytime, anywhere.


How to enjoy girls night, a wedding, even a vacation without alcohol.


What to eat, supplements to take and how to exercise to curb your cravings, reclaim your energy and elevate your mood naturally. Watch with Harmony in Habits!


How to create a support system to stay on track and make this the last "sobriety" course you'll ever need.

“I feel so grateful for you just when I needed it the most. It was just something about you that got me to take the step out in the unknown. I'm so happy, have more energy and hope for the future!”

— Anna

I am 4.5 months alcohol free. I have been going out with my girlfriends after work and I’m SO relieved I can do that and not drink. They’ve even joined me with mocktails! I feel freedom, energy, and will never go back to drinking. I don’t miss my workouts anymore and I am literally popping out of bed in the morning. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I learned SO much working with Lindsay, and now I feel ready to be on my own!

— Crystal

“I have learned so many new tools for my sobriety tool kit from Lindsay. During our 1:1 Lindsay challenged me to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. She also gave me tactical ways to stick to my break from alcohol which I implemented right away. I did the 21 Day Private Retreat, and not only did I complete it and feel great, but I am now 36 days in! I learned so much during the retreat I feel so good about continuing on. I am so grateful I connected with Lindsay, her programs have supported my journey and I feel closer to complete sobriety every day!”


About me

I was an everyday drinker for more than a decade. Mostly my beloved wine, but I also enjoyed a nice IPA as well. From the outside looking in, people saw that I had a great job, a loving marriage, ate healthy, and exercised.

That was all true, but they didn’t see the inside. 
The me that hadn’t gotten a big promotion in over a year, my last 2 raises were just “ok,” but nothing that was saying “YOU’RE AMAZING” at work.

My marriage was good, but I was isolating a lot. Choosing to curl up on the couch with a bottle of Malbec instead of my husband. 

This daily habit chipped away at my ambition, at my drive. I was in a seemingly never-ending cycle of telling myself “I won’t drink today” as I was riddled with guilt and shame from drinking too much the night before. 

By mid-day, I would be fantasizing about drinking and (almost automatically) I'd find myself back on the couch with a bottle of Sav Blanc in time for the 5 o'clock news.

I knew I needed to change. This wasn’t going to work anymore.

It simply wasn’t sustainable: my health, relationships, and success were suffering.

Two things happened almost simultaneously and that forced me to make a change.

First, I got to the point where I had a hostile uterus and I had to have a hysterectomy.  I was deeply concerned that there would be complications with the anesthesia due to my drinking

Obviously I had been lying to my doctor for years about how much I drank. Always checking the “1-4 drinks per week” box.  As soon as I had the date, I made a commitment to stop drinking 2 weeks in advance.


During this time I also landed my dream job. I quickly realized I could not function on the level that I wanted to. There was no way I was going to keep up or excel in this new role if I kept up my daily drinking habit.

My surgery was 2 months after I started my new dream job.

I never drank again.


Here’s how that went:

My career exploded with multiple 25% pay increases, accolades and recognition like I had never received before.

After several years there, my calling came.

I had the confidence and courage to walk away from a 6 figure career to help other women break free, ditch alcohol and create the life they really want. 

I made big changes, I literally revamped my life. I changed my approach and decided to do things differently. An approach that would not just get me to stop drinking, but that would create a life where I no longer needed alcohol as a crutch. 

This is what I want for you:


By now you are probably shaking your head yes because you know this is your story too... and you want to be the one who decides how your story turns out.

Are you ready to ditch the alcohol drama,

reclaim your life and make Sobriety Your Edge?

Package 1

  • (1) 1:1 Coaching Session with Lindsay

  • (1) 20 min 1:1 Spark Call

  • 12 Live Coaching Calls

  • Access to 10 Self Paced Training Modules

  • Bonus Resources

  • Instant Access to Online Community

You can pay in full at the price of $997 or make 3 payments of $365 a month as a payment plan.

(Pay in full is a 10% savings)

For 3 months
One time

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Package 2

  • (4) 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Lindsay

  • (1) 20 min 1:1 Spark Call

  • 12 Live Coaching Calls

  • Access to 10 Self Paced Training Modules

  • Bonus Resources

  • Instant Access to Online Community

You can pay in full at the price of $1,497 or make 3 payments of $530 a month as a payment plan.

(Pay in full is a 10% savings)

For 3 months
One time

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

If this sounds like too much and you don’t think you’re ready, Book a free 30 minute discovery call with me. We can talk privately about your goals and where you’re currently at right now.


  • Our online community is on Telegram! A free app you can download, it is a secure messaging platform. Inside our community women share what they are celebrating, challenged with and support each other. Lindsay jumps in too several times a week to offer guidance and support.

  • All Calls will be recorded and added to the member portal so you can watch them at your convenience. They will be available for 90 days.

  • Everyone’s journey is different. There can be many starts and stops when we are early into our sober curious progress. Just start your AF break over! Remember you have support from Lindsay in the FB group and can message her if you’re stuck!

  • On Average you’ll spend 15-45 minutes each day focused on yourself as part of this program + the meetings.

  • Our journey with alcohol is just that, a journey. There is even a module on if you have a “slip-up” throughout the program. Resilience is built from learning from these slip ups. So, it’s ok! You’ll be very supported to get back on track!

  • I understand this is an investment!

    Package 1: You can pay in full at the price of $997, or make 3 payments of $365 a month as a payment plan. (Pay in full is a 10% savings)

    Package 2: (Includes 4 1:1’s with Lindsay) You can pay in full at the price of $1,447, or make 3 payments of $530 a month as a payment plan. (Pay in full is a 10% savings)

    This works out to just $11 dollars a day for the group program only, or $16 per day with the added 1:1’s. This is LESS than a bottle of wine! You have lifetime access to the program, it doesn’t go away after the 90 days. You won’t be spending this money on alcohol anymore, so it’s a win-win!

  • There are a couple of options for the group coaching calls: Either attend with your camera off, or watch the replay. Replays of each call will be available for 30 days in the secure member portal! As part of the terms and conditions, these calls and members are kept confidential. Names and attendees are not included in any recordings.

  • Sobriety Is Your Edge is not a sober challenge - while there is a commitment to take a short break from alcohol in the beginning, the primary goal is to learn how to live an alcohol free lifestyle. That will likely include “slip ups” and coming back from them. This program will teach how to manage them and move on with your new knowledge. No white knuckling through a dry spell here.